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Instrumental music

Instrumental music is the music that is performed exclusively by the use of musical instruments, without the use of the vocal part. Instrumental versions are reinterpretations, performed with the only instruments of similar songs where the vocal is present. The image people have of ages ranging from the Middle Ages and the end of the Renaissance is that of a musical history predominantly vocal. Actually instrumental music has always existed but his life remained for centuries as an underground stream and vocal music appeared as a rushing river. Only in the fifteenth century and then with increasing intensity, during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, instrumental music has emerged as a phenomenon of great magnitude. Before the fifteenth century and, more generally, throughout the Middle Ages, the music was generally conceived in close connection with poetry: an idea, the latter, of Greek origin and more precisely from the scientific discipline of music. The category "instrumentals" includes a very wide range of musical genres and styles: from rock, R & B, soul, classical music and film scores.

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