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Pop Music

Pop music, translation of the English pop music, itself derived from popular music is a genre of popular music that has its origin in its modern form in the 50's as a derivation of rock and roll. In the English language, the terms "popular music" and "pop music" are often misused interchangeably. Despite this, the term folk music (or popular music) is an umbrella term that refers to the music index General in the industrial era, while the notation of pop (or pop music) refers to a specific genre of music. In other words, according to Gianni Sybil, pop music "indicates a narrower field and defined than that of popular music". Pop music according Sibyl is "distinguished by some specific aspects concerning the historical period of production, textual forms and language, social actors involved, the way they build their own identity and, above all, the relationship with the media mass communication. In other words, pop music is a macro-genre of contemporary music covering all the specific sub-genres of popular song that developed since the advent of rock and roll, characterized by the spread of intermedia sound carriers and media. "

If in the 60s, the term "pop music" in Italy was rarely used in favor of more generic pop music in the late '60s it was used to refer broadly to all those groups that came from tax forms from the song, and they saw in Festival of San Remo, their main engine. They were then placed without distinction in the definition of pop, musical groups ranging from beat music, psychedelic rock, progressive rock. Only later the term pop music was used with the meaning with which we refer to international level.

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