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New emerging italian folk music and songwriters

The movement of the folk-singers represented a moment of great expressive freedom. The streets of folk music, popular and that of songwriters has always been intertwined. Indeed it is perhaps possible to say that the latter have drawn fully from the themes and sounds of folk. For example, think of Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits, Neil Young or even our Fabrizio De Andrè and Vinicio Capossela. Now it is increasingly difficult for this type of music and new proposals to find space on national radio or TV. For this we allow ourselves in our small way to provide some suggestions of musicians who work in the undergrowth, far from the music in the window. Here are a couple of links to a * playlist of recent songs of Italian folk songwriting . Among others there are: " The East Sunset ", " Cisco and the house of the wind ", " Andrea Franchi ", " Piero's gang ", "Menelik", "Manco* "," Claudio Battiloro ", " The boy from the field ", " The Vad Vuc "," Delef "," Taranta Nova "," Emanuele Scicolone "," Rocce Rosse "etc. Although this playlist has little to do with music for weddings we try to give space to independent music in our channel which still deals with music. If you want to tell us about the songs, write to

Happy listening!

Folk songwriters